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Release Backout

In case that problems occur and a rollback is required after the installation of a release, click the Release Backout button. The Release Backout button is available only if the release is in the 'Approved for production (RE)' status. After the backout, the release achieves the 'Backed out (RE)' status.

If the rollback must be accomplished, a rollback plan located as an attached document must be consulted for special details and the rollback Change process must be initiated. If the rollback plan specifies the return to the previous release (package), the reference catalog 'Previous Releases' is used to navigate to the appropriate release.

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The related backout and rollback processes are performed in the following way:

The Release Manager is dealing with a productive but faulty release R2 which was a successor to a successful previous release R1. Release R1 was deployed by change ticket CH1.

  1. Use 'Release Backout' on the faulty release R2.

    A release description documenting the backout should be created.

  2. Consult the backout plan provided with (linked to) release R2 for instructions on reverting to previous releases.
  3. Open the previous release R1 from the 'Previous Releases' reference catalog of release R2.

    Examine change ticket CH1 assigned to R1 in context 'Implementer'.

  4. Call the 'Rollback' action on release R1.

    This action sets the status of Release R1 from "Expired" to "Rollbacked" and an appropriate release description documents that procedure.

  5. Create a new change ticket CH2 by copying change ticket CH1 and perform new planning for CH2.

    CH2 is automatically linked to R1 in context 'Rollback'.

  6. If there is a succeeding Release R2, the possibility to link the change ticket CH2 to this release (R2) in context 'Backout' is offered.

    If confirmed, CH2 is linked to R2 in context 'Backout' and can be used any time as a source of information about the executed backout-rollback operation.

See Also

Create/Request Release Package

Plan and Schedule the Release

Build the Release

Test the Release

Approve the Release

Implementation Failed

Release Expired