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BIRT with SOAP Webservice

In current Valuemation versions, BIRT has been replaced by Valuemation Analytics reporting.

Although it is still possible to print BIRT reports from Valuemation, note that some of the underlying functionality has been changed. As ServiceBroker is no longer supported, the communication has been switched to SOAP WebService.

  1. Information contained in dedicated configuration files 'servicebroker-config.xml' and '' has been transfered into Valuemation mainparameters. (The original files are no longer present with Valuemation installation.)
  2. Workflows necessary for the "Print with Birt" functionality have been changed so use SOAP WebService for communication with the print server.

  1. Configuration files


    The URL stored in 'servicebroker-config.xml' is stored in mainparameter 'VMWeb.VMBirtPrintServer.'
    Instead of the brokerservice servlet, the vmweb servlet is used (http://localhost:8080/vmweb/vmweb).

    Help Image

    Information regarding brokerUser and brokerCryptedPwd is now stored in mainparameters:

    • VMWeb.VMBirtPrintServerUser
    • VMWeb.VMBirtPrintServerPwd

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  2. Workflows

    Standard workflows have been modified. If you made changes to (or copied) the standard workflows, changes need to be done to support WebService Communication.

    • Communication:

      Help Image

    • Remove usage of de.usuag.components.comManager.util import Converter

      See example images below:
      Img A - old code (with Convertor)
      Img B - new code (without Convertor)

Img A - code with Convertor (old)

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Img B - code without Convertor (new)

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See Also

BIRT Reporting

Installation and Configuration

Integration of Birt Customizing

BIRT Report Based on XML from Valuemation

Multiple Resource Files in BIRT

Problems & Solutions

Predefined Reports in Valuemation