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Annex2: Problems and Workarounds

he following problems may be encountered when creating help topic assignments:

  • Help output not found
  • Integrity violation
  • Duplicate assignments

Help output not found

If help topic assignment is attempted with no help output present in the location specified by Valuemation settings, an error message 'The help index document... could not be found...' is displayed.

Remedy the situation by either inserting the help in the location specified by help path settings or by changing the path settings to reflect the help location.

Integrity violation

Sometimes during the help topic assignments process an "empty" assignment gets created. This results in the 'Integrity violation' error message.

If this happens, close the Help Topic Assignment Catalog and all help assignment related Valuemation windows. Then open the Help Topic Assignment Catalog and continue with help topic assignments in a normal fashion.

Duplicate assignments

A maximum of one help topic per one target language can be assigned to a single Valuemation element. If you try to assign a help topic to an element for which an assignment already exists, the 'Help Topic Assignment ... is duplicate' error message is displayed.

Examine the existing assignment and decide on the most suitable single topic for the Valuemation element.

See Also

Help Topic Assignments


Assigning a Help Topic

Editing or Deleting an Assignment

Sharing the Assignments

About Help Paths

Project-specific Help Assignment

Annex1: Hierarchy With Examples