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Assigning a Help Topic

There are two approaches to assigning help topics to Valuemation elements (see the table below for an explanation of what is meant by 'Valuemation element'):

How Help Topic Assignment Works

The goal is to assign a help topic to a corresponding Valuemation element.

Note that:

  • topic assignment is language-specific: one Valuemation element can have a separate topic assigned for each of the languages
  • one Valuemation element cannot be assigned more than one help topic for one language
  • one help topic can be assigned to multiple Valuemation elements

It is possible to assign a topic to the following Valuemation elements:

Valuemation Element



Business View


If you assign a topic to a business view, then the topic is displayed by pressing F1 when the business view is currently opened UNLESS a higher priority assignment can be used for the window currently in opened and active.

Fixed Window


Fixed windows are windows usually called by main menu items, such as settings (Global Settings window, User Settings window etc), customizers (Action Customizer, View Customizer etc.), Authorization Manager, Log Viewer etc.
If you assign a topic to one of these windows, then the topic will be displayed by pressing F1 when this particular window is opened and active.

Technical Object Type


If you assign a topic to a technical object type (such as calculation, view, catalog, module, workflow definition, main parameter etc.), then the topic will be displayed by pressing F1 when a view or catalog for this technical object type is currently in focus.

For instance, if you assign a help topic to the technical object type 'Main Parameter', then this topic will get displayed by pressing F1 when the Main Parameters catalog (called from the Valuemation Core sidebar) is in focus. The same topic will also get displayed with the Main Parameters editor.

Object Type


If you assign a topic to an object type (a.k.a. generic object type, such as Person, Location, System, Component, Contract, Ticket etc.), then the topic will be displayed by pressing F1 when a view or catalog for this object type is currently in opened and active.

For instance, if you assign a help topic to the object type 'Person', then this topic will get displayed by pressing F1 when a catalog of Persons is in focus. The same topic will also get displayed with any editor of the 'Person' object type.



Allows help topic assignment to a specific catalog.

For instance, let's assume you have already assigned a help topic HT1 to the 'Person' object type, which means that HT1 gets displayed whenever a catalog or a view of 'Person' is in focus. Now you want to assign another help topic HT2 to a specific catalog of persons (e.g. 'TelephoneListByName' ). If you use the Catalog assignment for this, it will result in the following behaviour:

Whenever any view of 'Person' is in focus, HT1 gets displayed. Whenever any catalog of 'Person' except 'TelephoneListByName' is in focus, HT1 gets displayed. When ''TelephoneListByName' is in focus, HT2 gets displayed. Note: This example assumes that:
1) No other specific 'Person' view or catalog has been assigned its own help topic.
2) No higher priority assignment is applicable to the situation. A "higher priority assignment" would be e.g. another help topic assigned to the workflow which opens any of the 'Person' catalogs.



Allows help topic assignment to a specific view.

The explanation of this assignment is analogical to the Catalog assignment described above.

Workflow Definition


Allows help topic assignment to a specific workflow definition.

This allows, for instance, to distinguish between the same catalog opened from two different places within Valuemation. An example would be the 'System - Configuration' and 'System - Configuration from Editor' workflows, where the former runs configuration for system (independently), the latter runs configuration for system only from the editor.

Workflow Node


Allows help topic assignment to a specific workflow node.

The use is similar to 'Workflow Definition' (above) but it applies to each individual node of a workflow, thus making it possible to distinguish between individual steps of the action performed by a particular workflow.

Hierarchy of Assignments

Help key assignments form a logical hierarchy with 'Workflow Node' at its top and 'Business View' at the bottom. The higher up the hierarchy ladder, the more detailed assignment is being created.

Example: Let's imagine a Valuemation window is opened and in focus. If detailed help topic assignment has been done, there are the following options of what gets displayed when F1 is pressed:

  • The window has been opened by a workflow node which has a help topic HT1 assigned: HT1 gets displayed (regardless of other assignments).
  • The window has been opened by a workflow which has a help topic HT2 assigned and there is no higher priority assignment present (in this case it means no topic assignment at the workflow node level): HT2 gets displayed (regardless of other "lower priority" assignments).
  • The window is a view or a catalog which has a help topic HT3 assigned and no higher priority assignment exists (in this case it means no topic assignment at the workflow or workflow node level): HT3 gets displayed (regardless of other "lower priority" assignments).
  • The window doesn't have any workflow, workflow node or view/catalog assignments, but a help topic assignment (e.g. HT4) to the object type (technical or generic, whatever applicable) exists: HT4 gets displayed (regardless of other "lower priority" assignments, which in this case would be a business view assignment).
  • No other assignments exist, but the currently active business view has a HT5 help topic assigned: HT5 gets opened.
  • None of the above applies: help title page gets displayed.
  • Additionally: When a so called 'Fixed Window' is opened and in focus, then the help topic assigned under the Fixed Window assignment gets displayed.

GUI Client

Restricting a topic to just one GUI client may be useful if it is necessary to distinguish between the Web Client and Rich Client version. If a topic is common to both version, the All setting should be used.

In This Chapter

Using the Help Assignment Catalog

Assignment from the Valuemation Element

Example 1

Example 2

The Same Topic in Different Languages

See Also

Help Topic Assignments


Editing or Deleting an Assignment

Sharing the Assignments

About Help Paths

Project-specific Help Assignment

Annex1: Hierarchy With Examples

Annex2: Problems and Workarounds