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Before starting the help topic assignment, Valuemation html help must be present in the location specified by Valuemation settings:

  • Global Settings/General/Help

    Help-related settings that apply to all users

  • User Settings/General/Help

    Help-related settings that apply only to the current user. Note that the 'Use following setting for currently logged in user' check box must be checked. If unchecked, user settings are ignored and global settings apply instead.

Help settings specify:

  • Paths to the help systems of supported languages

    Paths to the index.htm files of help systems corresponding to individual supported languages. Pre-defined paths are as follows:

    • English: doc/help/English/index.htm
    • German: doc/help/German/index.htm
    • analogically for other languages

    The paths are relative to Valuemation root folder. These pre-defined paths can be changed.

  • Default Help Path

    Path to a "fallback" help output which will be used if no help is available for the currently selected GUI language.

    Note that availability of a language version is inferred from the presence of an index.htm file in the defined location. If a given language version exists but the default help gets displayed instead, check whether the language version is placed in the location specified by corresponding help path settings.

  • Customer help used

    Checking this check box let's the application know that help system other than standard Valuemation help is being used. This results in help context sensitivity being disabled.

    Explanation: Valuemation help topic assignment communicates with files generated by the authoring system used for creation of Valuemation standard help. If an html help system created in another way is used, context sensitivity will not function correctly and should be disabled by checking the 'Customer help used' check box.

Note: If help topic assignment is attempted with no help output present in the correct location, an error message gets displayed. Remedy the situation by either inserting the help in the location specified by help path settings or by changing the path settings to reflect the help location.

See Also

Help Topic Assignments

Assigning a Help Topic

Editing or Deleting an Assignment

Sharing the Assignments

About Help Paths

Project-specific Help Assignment

Annex1: Hierarchy With Examples

Annex2: Problems and Workarounds