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Sharing the Assignments

To share the help topic assignments created on one database with users working on another database, standard Valuemation XML Import/Export functionality is used. Please refer to the Import/Export help chapter for more information on Valuemation import/export.

Exporting the Help Key Assignments

After you have created or modified the help key assignments on your database, you can export them in the form of an xml file. Two possibilities exist:

Complete export: export help key assignments regardless of their previous state

Use: for backup purposes or to transfer assignments to a new installation

It is possible to export all help key assignments in the database or their arbitrary selection.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open the 'Help Topic Assignments' catalog.
  2. Select some or all assignments.
  3. With the assignments selected, right-click anywhere inside the catalog and call the 'Export' action from the 'Export' submenu. The 'Exporter' window opens.
  4. In the 'File name' field, specify file name (xy.xml) and path.
  5. Click the 'Export' button.

An xml file with the selected help topic assignments is created in the specified location.

Differential export: export only new help key assignments

Use: for Valuemation builds

It is possible to export only assignments added since a comparison database (export_orig) was created.
Precondition: 'EXPORT_ORIG' database must exist and 'EXPORT_ORIG session' must be defined in ''.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Open 'Export metamodel' from the 'Customize' main menu. the 'Exporter of Metamodel Changes' window opens.
  2. At the top of the window, select option 'Only incremental differences from the original database'.
  3. In the 'Technical Object Types' tab, select only 'Help Topic Assignments'.
  4. Click the 'Compare' button. The objects to be exported get displayed in the 'Results' tab.
  5. In the 'File name' field, specify file name (xy.xml) and path.
  6. Click the 'Export' button.

An xml file with the differential set of help topic assignments is created in the specified location.

Incremental Data Retrieval - Workaround

When working with the Help Topic Assignments catalog, you may run into limits imposed by the Incremental Data Retrieval mechanism. You will recognize that Incremental Data Retrieval is applied to the catalog by a red line displayed around the vertical scroll bar.

When Incremental Data Retrieval is applied, selecting all assignments in the catalog (i.g. for export) actually selects only a number of objects limited by the catalog limit settings. This problem can be circumvented by temporarily changing or disabling the load limit settings:

  1. In Valuemation, go to Settings/User Settings/Limit Settings
  2. Check the 'Use user-dependent settings' check box
  3. Check the 'No load limits for catalogs' check box

This will disable the limit imposition. You should remember to turn the limit setting on again to prevent performance problems with large catalogs.

See Also

Help Topic Assignments


Assigning a Help Topic

Editing or Deleting an Assignment

About Help Paths

Project-specific Help Assignment

Annex1: Hierarchy With Examples

Annex2: Problems and Workarounds