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The toolbar contains the following components:

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Profile selector

Click the drop-down button to find out if there are more profiles defined for an object type. If so, you can select the desired profile and the corresponding Visualizer View is rendered immediately.

For details, please see the 'Visualizer View in Details > Role of Visualization Profiles' topic.

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Print crop tool

Click and use the clipping rectangle to define an area in the Visualizer View to be cropped for printing.

For details, please see the 'Printing' topic.

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Allows you to print the Visualizer View. If you click the button, the dedicated print dialog box opens where you can specify various print parameters.

For details, please see the 'Printing' topic.

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Backward and Forward Navigation

Enables you to browse through the history of your navigation steps in the Visualizer View.

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Clear History

Clears the history records in the History drop-down box.

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History drop-down box

Click to show a history of your navigation steps in the Visualizer View.

For details, please see the 'History' topic.

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Search field

You can search across all nodes in the Visualizer View.

For details, please see the 'Search' topic.

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Zoom controls

Enable you to zoom in / zoom out the overall proportions of the Visualizer View.

For details, please see the 'Zooming' topic.

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If zoomed in our out, click to put the Visualizer View back into its standard proportions and center it in the middle of the page.

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Horizontal and Vertical alignment

Toggle the Visualizer View between the horizontal and vertical alignment.

For details, please see the 'Horizontal and Vertical Alignment' topic.

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Click to open the Legend dialog box.

For details, please see the 'Legend' topic.

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Group / Ungroup all layers

Allows you to group and ungroup all node layers in the Visualizer View.

For details, please see the 'Grouping Nodes and Levels' topic.

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Allows you to refresh the data in the Visualizer View. Note that you cannot set the refresh to be performed automatically.

See Also

Visualizer GUI Overview

Visualizer View in Detail
