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The Scheduled Actions Catalog

The 'Scheduled Actions' catalog is used for scheduled actions administration.

  • The catalog lists all existing scheduled actions. A scheduled action can be defined but not enabled. The enabled / disabled status is signified by font color in the catalog:
    • Disabled actions - gray font
    • Enabled actions - black font

      Help Image
      Scheduled Actions catalog in the default multiline view. Enabled actions are black, disabled actions are grey.

    To enable or disable a scheduled action, right-click the action in the catalog and select 'Enable' / 'Disable'.

  • By default the 'Scheduled Actions' catalog opens in the multiline mode. Use the switch button in the bottom left-hand corner of the catalog to have the scheduled actions listed in the table view.

    Help Image
    Scheduled Actions catalog in the table view. Enabled actions are black, disabled actions are grey.

Operations in the Scheduled Actions catalog

The right-click catalog menu provides the following commands relevant to scheduled actions administration:

  • Schedule Action Wizard

    Opens the 'Schedule Action Wizard' for creation of a new scheduled action.

  • Edit in Wizard

    Opens the scheduled action (on which the right-click menu was called) for editing in the wizard.

  • Schedule Action

    Opens an editor for creation of a scheduled action without the wizard.

  • Edit

    Opens the scheduled action for manual editing (i.e. editing without the wizard).

  • Edit Last Modified

    Opens for manual editing the scheduled action most recently modified by the current user.

  • Show Events

    Opens a catalog listing past events and the next event performed by the scheduled action. (Note that the scheduled action must be enabled for any events to exist.)

  • Show Process Instances

    Opens a catalog listing past or currently running process instances performed on the basis of the scheduled action.

  • Enable / Disable

    Enables/disables the disabled/enabled scheduled action. (An action can also be enabled/disabled in the wizard or manual editor.)

  • Delete

    Completely deletes the scheduled action definition. Use with care - do not confuse 'Delete' with 'Disable'.

Note: User-specific scheduled actions administration is done via the 'My Scheduled Actions' catalog. See 'My Scheduled Actions' and 'My Scheduled Actions restrictions' in the 'Action Scheduler' topic for more information.

See Also

Action Scheduler

Scheduler Basics

The Schedule Action Wizard

Editing a Scheduled Action