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System Reports

Objects of the 'System Report' object type gather statistical information about Asset and CMS systems in the environment. System reports provide an overview of system quantities over the course of time, broken down by key system characteristics.

  • The object type is based on database table 'AMA_SYSTEM_REPORT'.
  • Two types of data are considered: 'Asset System Reports' and 'CMS System Reports'.

Data Collection

The reports are created by action 'Asset Reports Calculation' (workflow: 'Asset_Escalation_SystemReportCreateUpdate'). The action collects statistical data about systems existing at the given moment. Data is collected from predefined database views.

Asset System Report data

  • Date of data collection
  • Number of Asset systems: Active, New, Updated, Active Assets-Contract, Inactive Assets, Misaligned Assets

CMS System Report data

  • Date of data collection
  • Number of CMS systems: Active, New, Updated, Active CMS-Contract, Active CMS-Service, Active CMS-Incident, Active Updated CMS-Incident, Active New CMS-Incident, Inactive CMS, Misaligned CMS

Running the action, action scheduling

Action 'Asset Reports Calculation' is intended to be run primarily as a scheduled action. Scheduled action 'Create/Update System Report Data' is available in standard Valuemation. By default, this action is scheduled to run every day at midnight but its execution is disabled.

To enable the scheduled action or to change the scheduling, locate and open the 'Scheduled Actions' catalog and open the 'Create/Update System Report Data' action for editing.

  • Select the 'Enabled' check box on the 'Identification' tab to enable regular automatic action triggering
  • Edit the 'Schedule' value on the 'Trigger' tab to change action scheduling.

The action can also be inserted in the application GUI and run manually, or triggered as part of another workflow. In standard Valuemation, the action is directly accessible for manual triggering via Smart Tile 'Asset System Reports' (by default found on the Start Page of the 'Asset Manager' and 'Asset Support' business views) or via Smart Tile 'CMS System Reports' (by default found on the Start Page of the 'Configuration Manager' and 'Configuration Support' business views).

Note that only one record per day can be created. Running the action repeatedly within one day does not produce new records.

Asset Reports Output

Action 'Asset Reports Calculation' produces an object of the 'System Report' object type. Objects of this object type can be found in catalogs 'Asset System Reports' and 'CMS System Reports'.

If the action is regularly triggered (e.g. using the action scheduler), the catalogs represent a time log of everyday system overviews. The data can also be used as input for Valuemation Analytics reporting.

See Also

Beyond the Basics


Data Check


Configuration Baseline

DML Integration

System Downtime Calendar

System Availability and Business Impact

Asset and CMS Relevance

History Records

Authorization Groups and Roles