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Generate The SOAP Client

In our example we will generate the client using SOAPUI and Apache CXF 2.5.2
Please note that SOAPGUI and Apache CXF are 3rd party tools which are not part of Valuemation. USU bears no responsibility with respect to their use.

  1. Download SOAPUI by SmartBear ( and install it.

    Note that the JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set in order to generate the source code and compile it.

  2. Download CXF 2.5: ( and unzip it to <CXF-HOME> e.g. C:\development\tools\apache-cxf-2.5.2\
  3. Start the SOAP UI and set the CXF Home bin (under 'Preferences' / 'Tools').

    Help Image

  4. Create a new SOAP project

    For example

    Project Name: GlobalWeather

    Initial WSDL: <path and name of the wsdl file>

    Help Image

  5. From the right-click context menu (on 'GlobalWeatherSoap', in our example), select action 'Generate Code' / 'Apache CXF'.

    Help Image

  6. Provide necessary settings on the 'Basic' and 'Advanced' tabs.
    • Basic

    Help Image

    • Advanced

    Help Image

  7. Click the 'Generate' button at the bottom of the 'Apache CXF Stubs' window. If everything is set up correctly, the client’s java and class files are generated.
  8. Go to the class folder and generate a jar files by using a jar tool.
    See for more information on the jar command.

See Also

Calling A WebService Using Workflow

Get the WSDL

Integrate the Jar File

Create the Workflow