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Customization Logging

This chapter deals with Valuemation Customization Logging or, as it is also referenced in the more theoretical topics, changes in technical business objects.

By changes in technical business objects we mean edits made to objects such as workflows, editors, catalogs etc. during the process of Valuemation customization. Also, when the Import action is used it can also be seen in the customization log.

The motivation to log changes in technical business objects is propelled mainly by the need to coordinate changes made by several people while working on a customization project and to eliminate the danger of edits done by one customizing person being overridden be subsequent edits by another person.

Additionally, the new way of logging changes in technical objects enables storing additional data about the changes, which is used for registering their purpose (e.g. the task under which the changes were made). Another side benefit is facilitation of faster xml import/export.

To sum up, logging of changes in technical business objects is used to:

  • Keep track of who (which user) has made what changes during customization
  • Warn the user (customizing person) when he or she is about to make changes to a recently changed object. (We shall explain further in the text what is meant by "recently changed object")
  • Keep a history of the changes and their purposes
  • It is also possible to configure the functionality so that it is possible to register in one log changes made on several development databases

In This Chapter

How It Works


Use of Customization Logging

Log Comments

Customization Log

Committing a Change

Notification of Past Changes

Logging of XML Import

Working on Multiple Development Databases

See Also


Customization Browser

Action Customizer

Translation Editor

Script Editor

XML - Export Metamodel

Metamodel Check

Graphical Catalog Modes Customization

Customization and Authorization of Valuemation GUI Elements

Customization Transfer Manager