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Log Comments

When a change in technical objects is logged, the data include also a Comment field. Comment is meant to store information about the purpose of the customization change. The most obvious purpose of a log comment is to reference the customization project under which a particular customization change is being performed.

This information is then used in deciding whether to issue a warning message when a subsequent change to the same technical object is attempted (see Notification of Past Changes).

You do not have to fill in the Comment field manually. Instead, you use the Log Comment catalog or Log Comment editor to assign a comment as your current comment (it might be, for instance, the customizing task you are currently working on). This comment is then automatically used for all changes to technical objects made by you (as the current user) until another comment is assigned.

Note: Log Comments can also be used to define an export filter in XML Import/Export. The intended purpose is to restrict metamodel export to certain customization changes only (distinguished by used log comment(s)). See the 'Log Comments Filter' for more information.

In This Chapter

Log Comment Catalog

Log Comment Editor

See Also

Customization Logging

How It Works


Use of Customization Logging

Customization Log

Committing a Change

Notification of Past Changes

Logging of XML Import

Working on Multiple Development Databases