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Calculating the New Schedules for Record Escalation

The Escalation Record contains the date and time of the next due escalation for that Record. When the escalation is run, this date and time must be calculated again with the new values of the next due date and time.

There are two ways of calculating the date and time for the next due escalation in the Escalation Record. Which of the two methods is used can be specified in the Update Mode field in the EscTypeLevel object.

The two possible types of Date Update Mode are:

  •  Escalated Object: The dates and times in the EscTypeLevel are always relative to the original deadline.
  •  Escalated Record: The amounts are increments to be added to the date and time in the Escalation Record.

The Escalation Type object contains the name of the business object and the names of the relevant date and time attributes in that business object which contain the specified deadline for that object (date_attributename, time_attributename, escrec_ref_to_BO).

In This Chapter

Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Planned Date and Time

Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Duration and Percentage

Update Mode: EscRecord

See Also

Escalation Record Escalation

Escalation Record Preparation

Escalation Agent Settings

Running the Escalation for Escalation Records

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