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Escalation Agent Settings

The Settings in the EscAgent.Properties file need to be verified:



### set IP address where the Valuemation is running


In this example the Escalation Server is run on the same machine as the client so the IPAdress is entered as “localhost”. Otherwise the IP Address of the machine where the Valuemation is started in Escalation Mode is entered here. The User needs to be a valid Valuemation User.

Now to run the escalation Process itself, Valuemation must be started as the Escalation Server. Add the –escalation Parameter to the call in the Admin.bat or Run.bat. If you wish to start Escalation Process in User Mode, add the -usermode parameter. See a full description of this in Start Valuemation in Server Mode chapter.

Now start the Escalation Agent with the Parameter "HIGH":


if "%1"=="" goto start



START javaw -Xmx256m -classpath "%TCP%" %SECURITY% de.usu.s3.integration.escalation.EscalationAgentStarter %ESCPARAMETER%

See Also

Escalation Record Escalation

Escalation Record Preparation

Running the Escalation for Escalation Records

Log Viewer

Send Email Workflow

Calculating the New Schedules for Record Escalation