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Send Email Workflow

The workflow "Send_Email_For_Email_Template" is the most frequently used worflow in the Escalation Action. It is defined in the Workflow Creation Tool (for a full description of the Workflow Creation Tool and Workflows in general, see the Valuemation Workflow User Guide).

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The Workflow "Send_Email_For_Email_Template".

The workflow accepts certain parameters that the escalation provides. When an Escalation Server runs this workflow, the server provides the following input parameters:

  1. The Escalation Action (1).
  2. The current Escalation level object (2).
  3. The escalated business object (3) (which was a ticket in our previous examples).


The scrips below (4) contains information about the email template and transfers all this data into the subworkflow (5) which performs the final action: It sends an email.

See Also

Escalation Record Escalation

Escalation Record Preparation

Escalation Agent Settings

Running the Escalation for Escalation Records

Log Viewer

Calculating the New Schedules for Record Escalation