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Update Mode: EscRecord

With Update Mode set to “EscRecord” the dates and times given in the Escalation Type Level business object are relative to the Date and Time specified in the Escalation Record itself and not directly from the Object which is being escalated. The values given in the Escalation Type Level object are used to increment the scheduled Escalation in the Escalation Record, without referring back to the original Object (which is how the other Update Mode: Escalated Object works).

Again take the example of an incident with the following attributes.

Incident Business Object

        Time Planned: 13.00

        Date Planned: 11.10.2012

EscTypeLevel Business Object

        Level 1 numDays: 0



                   UpdateMode: EscRecord

        Level 2 numDays: 0



                  UpdateMode: EscRecord

        Level 3 numDays: 0



                  UpdateMode: EscRecord

When this incident is saved (and the Escalation Condition is met), an Escalation Record is created. The Incident is Planned to be resolved at 13:00 but it doesn´t really matter at the moment because the update mode "EscRecord" is related to the current value of the EscRecord object. Because the Esc. Record is just being created (and thus the date & time value is empty), the current date & time is used as the initial value. The first Escalation is scheduled for one hour AFTER the current time. So the Escalation Record is created with a scheduled Escalation Time of the current time + 1.

Therefore the update mode "Escalated Object" is typically used for the 1st esc. level. Then the information in the escalated object is used for the first calculation of the escalation date & time. It is the subsequent calculations where the UpdateMode EscRecord makes sense to be applied.

In our example, we will use the update mode "Escalated Object" to move on. The Time Planned 13:00 + 1 hour leads to 14:00 for the 1st Esc.level.

Escalation Record -Level 1

                 escdate = 11.10.2012

                 esctime = 14.00

To calculate the date and time for the next scheduled escalation, the Escalation TypeLevel for Level 2 is used. This states that the second Level is to be scheduled 1 hour AFTER the time specified in the Escalation Record i.e. one hour after 14:00. So the Escalation Record is changed:

Escalation Record - Level 2

               escdate = 11.10.2012

               esctime = 15.00

For Level 3 the Escalation TypeLevel specifies that the Escalation should occur a half hour later. Again this is relative to the time already specified in the Escalation Record, so the next scheduled Escalation is :

Escalation Record - Level 3

              escdate = 11.10.2012

              esctime = 15.30

As these values are increments they can be added to the existing value as often as the escalation is run.

If the Repeat Actions option in the Escalation Type is selected, this can be used to keep performing the specified action , in this case every half hour.

Escalation Record - Level 3 Repeated

             escdate = 11.10.2012

             esctime = 16.00

Note: This holds true in case the "Repeat in Last Level" checkbox is set to 'true'. Othwerwise the infinity value is set (01/01/2100).

See Also

Calculating the New Schedules for Record Escalation

Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Planned Date and Time

Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Duration and Percentage