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Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Duration and Percentage

Update Mode: EscalatedObject using Duration and Percentage

If specifying a fixed number of days or hours is inconvenient, it is also possible to schedule the Escalation according to the percentage of the duration.

Incident Business Object

         Time Planned: 13.00

         Date Planned: 11.10.2012

         Duration: 8

Escalation Type Level

         Level 1 percentage: 75

         Level 2 percentage: 100

         Level 3 percentage: 125

The Planned Duration for this Incident is 8 hours and the Incident should be escalated when the Duration is 75% elapsed, again when the 8 hours is 100% lapsed and finally when the Duration is 125% elapsed.

If this incident is saved a new escalation record will be created. 75% of 8 hours is 6 hours which means that the Incident should be escalated 6 hours after beginning or 2 hours before the Planned Date and Time. This gives an escalation time of 11:00 on the 11.100.2012.

Escalation Record - Level 1

          escdate = 11.10.2012

          esctime = 11.00

The next scheduled escalation is for when the Duration is 100% elapsed i.e. exactly at the Planned Date and Time.

Escalation Record - Level 2

          escdate = 11.10.2012

          esctime = 13.00

The third Escalation TypeLevel is scheduled for when the Duration is 125% elapsed which is 2 hours after the Planned Date and time.

Escalation Record - Level 3

          escdate = 11.10.2012

          esctime = 15.00

Since this is the highest Escalation Type Level specified for this type of Incident, the Time will remain set at 15:00 even if the Incident is escalated again.

See Also

Calculating the New Schedules for Record Escalation

Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Planned Date and Time

Update Mode: EscRecord