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Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Planned Date and Time

Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Planned Date and Time

The dates and times in the respective Escalation Step (EscTypeLevel) are always relative to the original deadline in the incident (e.g. 2 hours after, 3 hours after, 5 hours after etc.)

The Escalation Type Level (or Step) contains the number of days and number of hours relative to the original deadline at which time the Escalation Action should be carried out (i.e. 3 hours before or 2 days after the deadline).

Take the example of an Incident which has the following Planned Completion date.

Incident business object

Time Planned: 13.00

Date Planned: 11.10.2012

The Escalation Type Levels have been defined as follows:

EscTypeLevel BO

Level 1          numDays: 0



                    UpdateMode: Escalated Object

Level 2          numDays: 0

                    numHours: 2


                    UpdateMode: Escalated Object

Level 3          numDays: 0

                    numHours: 3


                    UpdateMode: Escalated Object

So, to calculate the scheudule for the next escalation, the Planned Date and Time from the Incident are taken together with the information for Level1. This means that the Incident should be escalated 1 hour AFTER the Planned Date and Time (13:00 on the 11.10.2012) in the Escalated Object, which gives the first escalation time as 14:00 on the 11.10.2012.

This information is written to the Escalation Record.

Escalation Record - Level 1

escdate = 11.10.2012

esctime = 14.00.

When the Escalation has run , the schedule for the next level (2) can be calculated. The information is taken from the EscTypeLevel for Level 2. The Incident should be escalated 2 hours AFTER the Planned Date and Time (13:00 on the 11:10:2012) in the Escalated Object. This gives the schedule for the second Escalation (15:00 on the 11.10.2012), which is updated in the Escalation Record:

Escalation Record - Level 2

escdate = 11.10.2012

esctime = 15.00.

Now the Information for the next level (3) is again taken from the EscTypeLevel. The Incident should be escalated for the third time 3 hours AFTER the Planned Date and Time (13:00 on the 11.10.2012) in the Escalated Object. This gives the schedule for the third Escalation (16:00 on the 11.10.2012), which is updated in the Escalation Record.

Escalation Record - Level 3

escdate = 11.10.2012

esctime = 16.00.

If the Incident is escalated again after this point, then the time of 16:00 remains, because no other Escalation Levels are listed for this Escalation Type.

Note: This holds true in case the "Repeat in Last Level" checkbox is set to 'true'. Othwerwise the infinity value is set (01/01/2100).

See Also

Calculating the New Schedules for Record Escalation

Update Mode: EscalatedObject Using Duration and Percentage

Update Mode: EscRecord