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Request, Request Item, Request Type


Request represents a requirement for delivery of a product or service.

Request Item

A request may contain one or more request items. Request items represent the actual content of the request.

Relations between individual shop elements, offers, requests and request items in the context of service request shop:

  • Each item (product or service) which can be ordered in the Shop corresponds to one offer.
  • Each individual option selectable within a product or service also corresponds to one offer.

    See the 'Offer Creation' section for more information and examples.

  • Submitting the Cart results in the creation of a request.
  • Individual items in the Cart (products or services, and options) correspond to individual request items in the request.

    See the 'Cart' section for examples.

Request Type

Request types organize requests into basic request categories from the viewpoint of request processing. Request types help the person processing the requests distinguish between requests sharing similar characteristics.

In addition to requests categorization, request types help to define (limit) possible combinations of items within one request.

Standard Valuemation data contain the following request types:

  • User
  • Change
  • Question

Requests are associated with request types via offer packages. All requests based on offers belonging to a given offer package have the request type of the offer package.

See topic 'Organizing Requests With Request Types' for more information on request types and their use.

In This Chapter

Related Requests Recognition

Request Impact-Urgency-Priority

Request Status Diagram

Fulfillment Confirmation and Reopening a Request

Closure Categories

KPI Request Data

Request - Incident Link

See Also

Requesting & Procurement Object Types

Offer, Offer Package, Package Type

Order, Order Item

Item, Item Type, Item Class

Payment Schedule

Assignment Object Types