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Vendor Specific Prices

Offers (formerly known as 'Pricing Offers') and offer packages (formerly known as 'Pricing Documents') support using vendor specific information about item type price and delivery options.

  • Offer Package can group offers of one vendor which are somehow related, e.g. they are valid in a certain period of time. This is usually represented by product catalogs, pricing agreements etc.
  • Offer specifies pricing/delivery details of an item type - specific for a certain vendor and a period of time. Typically it is price, discount, delivery time, prerequisites and comments. Offer is typically linked to one item type, but offers with pricing/delivery details not related to an item type are also possible. There can be any number of various offers in one time for one item type and one vendor, and these can reside in one or several offer packages.

General Concept of Vendor Specific Prices

The image below depicts the general concept of vendor specific prices (pricing offers):

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See Also

Offer, Offer Package, Package Type

Offer Package Creation

Importing Offers and Offer Packages from External Sources

Using General Contracts