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KPI Request Data

KPI-relevant datetime information for a request is stored in the following attributes:

  • Submitted On
  • Approved On
  • Fulfilled On
  • Closed On

In the GUI, the attributes can be found in the 'Dates and Priority' section of the Request editor. The same information is also registered for individual request items.

The time information in these fields is generated when corresponding status change occurs. The same information can also be found in the 'Comments' section of the editor. Note that while the 'Comments' tab registers all status changes and thus datetime information of the same kind can have multiple entries (e.g. when a request has been re-submitted several times), the fields in the 'Dates' tab register the latest time information of the particular type.

The 'Dates' attributes are ideally suited for:

  • searching and sorting of requests
  • data processing by KPI tools

Additional Date Attributes

The following additional date attributes are provided in an offer:

  • Date

    Attribute 'Date' assumes various meanings. For new requests, templates and saved carts it is the date of creation, for processed requests it is the date of submitting. Located in the 'Master' section of the 'Request' editor (standard GUI).

  • Desired Date

    Attribute for the desired date of request delivery. Located in the 'Master' section of the 'Request' editor (standard GUI).

  • Expected Date

    Attribute 'Expected Date' is automatically filled in when the request is submitted. It is the maximum value of the delivery dates of individual request items. Expected dates of request items are calculated on the basis of the 'Delivery (days)' attribute of the source shop offers. Located in the 'Master' section of the 'Request' editor (standard GUI).

  • Reopen Timeout

    The latest date when the requestor can reopen the closed request. Located in the 'Dates and Priority' section of the 'Request' editor (standard GUI).

See Also

Request, Request Item, Request Type

Related Requests Recognition

Request Impact-Urgency-Priority

Request Status Diagram

Fulfillment Confirmation and Reopening a Request

Closure Categories

Request - Incident Link