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An Offer With Local Parameters

The 'Parameters' section of the 'Shop Offer' editor provides two buttons for parameter insertion.

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Define Parameter

The action initiates the creation of a new local parameter. Local parameters are created specifically for the particular offer, unlike standard parameters they are not shared between offers.

The creation wizard branches out to several cascading options:

Parameter type:

  • Text: Text Field (Short), Text Area (Multiple Lines), Calculated Text, Header - see topic 'Special Text Parameters'
  • Number: Integer, Decimal, Interval of Integers, Interval of Decimals (the last two will create two parameters)
  • Date and Time: Date, Time, Date and Time, Interval of Dates, Times or Dates and Times (the last three will create two parameters)
  • Choice: Yes/No, Values or Objects
  • Attachment: the possibility to attach an object can also be added as a parameter

The first three options above are straightforward parameters. Selecting the 'Choice' type provides two further possibilities:

  • Yes/No: The parameter will use a simple yes/no selection, suitable e.g. for inclusion/exclusion of an optional item.
  • Values or Objects: The parameter will present a selection from a list of values.

Choosing the 'Values or Objects' option branches out in two distinctive directions - you can either search from over a thousand of predefined suitable sets of objects (Parameter Value Sets, Business Objects, Value Sets) or create a set of values used specifically with this shop parameter in this offer.

  • Search value sets and object types

    The selection will be based on an existing, preconfigured value set or on values already existing as objects of a Valuemation object type.

    To go in this direction, type a search term in the 'Search value sets and object types' field, make sure the 'Define local values only for this parameter' check box is cleared and click 'Ok' at the bottom of the 'Parameter Definition' dialog. You will be presented with a browser containing suitable parameter sources according to the entered search term.

  • Define local values only for this parameter

    Selecting this check box and clicking 'Ok' at the bottom of the 'Parameter Definition' dialog enables creation of a local parameter with specific values not shared with other parameters.

Assign Standard Parameter Set

The action lets you base the parameters in the offer on a predefined standard set of parameters maintained centrally for use with one or more offers. See 'An Offer With Standard Parameter Set' for details.

As a third option, you can use a semi-suitable standard parameter definition set and convert it into a private set which can then be further modified. See 'An Offer With Combined Parameters' for details.

In the next five topics, we will use the 'Define Parameter' button (see above) to create new local parameters.

  • Local Simple List Parameter

    User: The user will select from a local (not shared with other offers) list of simple values.

    Example parameter: data cable length

    Creation path: 'Define Parameter' / 'Choice' / 'Values or Objects' / 'Define local values only for this parameter' / 'Local Simple List'

  • Local Value Set Parameter

    User: The user will select from a local (not shared with other offers) list of more complex values (with a picture, description, translations).

    Example parameter: data cable type, parameter specific

    Creation path: 'Define Parameter' / 'Choice' / 'Values or Objects' / 'Define local values only for this parameter' / 'Local Value Set'

  • Parameter Based on Value Set

    User: The user will select from a list of values based on a predefined value set.

    Example parameter: data cable type, standard

    Creation path: 'Define Parameter' / 'Choice' / 'Values or Objects' / 'Search value sets and object types'

  • Parameter Based on Object Type

    User: The user will select from a list of values based on object type instances.

    Example parameter: location

    Creation path: 'Define Parameter' / 'Choice' / 'Values or Objects' / 'Search value sets and object types'

  • Attachments Parameter

    User: The user will be able to attach files to the request during its specification in the configurator.

    Example parameter: image attachment

    Creation path: 'Define Parameter' / 'Attachment'

In This Chapter

Local Simple List Parameter

Local Value Set Parameter

Parameter Based on a Standard Value Set

Parameter Based on an Object Type

Attachments Parameter

Special Text Parameters

See Also

Parameters Creation

Preliminary Actions

An Offer With Standard Parameter Set

An Offer With Combined Parameters

Previewing the Result