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Preliminary Actions

Depending on your starting point, several steps may be necessary before actual parameter creation.

Shop parameters are created for the offer which represents the product or service. You can either add parameters to an existing offer or create a new offer.

  1. To quickly create a new offer, open the 'SRM Catalogue Manger' business view and click the 'Create Service Offer' Smart Tile.
    Note: There are several other ways to initiate service offer creation.
  2. Each offer must belong to an offer package. In the first step of the service offer creation wizard, select a package for the new offer. In this example, let's select offer package 'User Services'.
  3. The next wizard step chooses offer complexity: 'Simple service', 'Service with options', 'Service with change details'. Let's select 'Simple service'.
  4. In the next step, select what will be used as basis for the new offer. Let's select 'Common service'. The action creates a simple shop offer based on the Common Service item type.
  5. Next, select the category under which the offer will be found in the Shop. Let's select 'Service Actions'.
  6. An editor with the new offer opens. Specify service name and description, service item type (Common Service), paste a picture (if relevant).
  7. Select the 'Parameters' check box. The 'Parameters' editor section becomes available.

Using the above listed steps, we have created the basis for our example offer for reservation of a presentation beamer. The offer is now ready for insertion of shop parameters.

See Also

Parameters Creation

An Offer With Local Parameters

An Offer With Standard Parameter Set

An Offer With Combined Parameters

Previewing the Result