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Special Text Parameters

When parameter type 'Text' is selected in the first step of parameter creation (i.e. in the 'Define Parameter' dialog), two special text options are offered in addition to standard short and long text.

  • Calculated Text
  • Header

Calculated Text

This parameter inserts a simple text field whose content is calculated using one of the provided predefined calculations:

  • getParameterValue()

    Value from object(s) in another parameter

  • getParameterValueCollectionSize()

    Number of objects in another parameter

  • getCartValue()

    Value from the request (shopping cart)

  • getOfferValue()

    Value from the offer

  • getObjectTypeName()

    Name of object type defined in Valuemation Translation Customizer

  • getObjectAttributeName()

    Name of attribute defined in Valuemation Translation Customizer

  • getApplTranslation()

    Translated text defined in Valuemation Translations of Application Text

  • Text

    Fixed text

How to create a calculated text parameter

  1. Click 'Define Parameter' in the 'Parameters' section of the 'Shop Offer' editor. The 'Define Parameter' dialog opens.
  2. In the 'Define Parameter' dialog, select 'Text', then 'Calculated Text. Click 'Ok'.
  3. The 'Parameter Definition' editor opens. Specify parameter name (field 'Parameter', remember that the name must contain only alphanumeric character and must be unique within the set of parameters), label and hint.
  4. In the 'Values' section of the editor, click button 'Define Calculation'.
  5. The 'Calculation Function' dialog opens. Select a calculation function and click 'Ok'.
  6. Depending on the selected function, dialogs for additional specifications open (selection of attribute, object type etc.).
  7. In the last step, select whether a label should be displayed before the calculated value.
  8. Click 'Ok' in the 'Parameter Definition' editor to finalize creation of the parameter.


Text parameter of type Header inserts a label row with specified fixed text in the parameters area of the configurator.

How to create a header text parameter

  1. Click 'Define Parameter' in the 'Parameters' section of the 'Shop Offer' editor. The 'Define Parameter' dialog opens.
  2. In the 'Define Parameter' dialog, select 'Text', then 'Header. Click 'Ok'.
  3. The 'Parameter Definition' editor opens. Parameter name (field 'Parameter') is automatically generated and cannot be changed. Use field 'Label' to specify the text to be displayed in the label row.
  4. In the 'Visibility' section it is possible to define dynamic visibility of the label row. The visibility can be defined using a manually created Python expression or one of the predefined functions:
    • visibility depends on another parameter
    • visibility depends on the cart
    • visibility depends on the selected offer
  5. Save the text parameter by clicking 'Ok' in the 'Define Parameter' dialog.
  6. Back in the sho offer editor, use the up and down arrows at the top of the 'Parameters' section to put the header paramater in the right position within other parameters. You may, for example, shift it all the way to the top of the list to make it act as the parameters area header (in the Configurator). Save the offer and the offer package.

See Also

An Offer With Local Parameters

Local Simple List Parameter

Local Value Set Parameter

Parameter Based on a Standard Value Set

Parameter Based on an Object Type

Attachments Parameter