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Parameter Editing

The editors for local and standard parameters editing are identical, what differs is the context.

Local Parameters

Local parameters editing means:

  • Changing which parameters are used in each individual offer
  • Changing the attributes and possible values of individual parameters

The edits will affect only the offer to which the parameters belong.

To edit local parameters:

  1. Locate the offer in which the parameters are used and open it for editing.
  2. In the offer editor, go to the 'Parameters' section and
    • Reorganize, expand or reduce the set of parameters in the offer, or
    • Double-click a parameter to open it for editing. Edit parameter attributes and possible values as needed.
  3. Save the changes by clicking 'Ok' in the parameter definition editor and/or the offer editor.

Standard Parameters

Standard parameters editing means:

  • Changing which parameters are part of the standard parameter set
  • Changing the attributes and possible values of individual parameters

The edits will affect the standard parameter set, e.i. the set of parameters ready for use with new offers, and also already existing offers using the standard parameter set unless it has been modified locally.

To edit standard parameters:

  1. Locate and open the 'Standard Parameter Definition Sets' catalog.
  2. Double-click a standard parameter set to open it for editing.
  3. In the 'Parameters' section
    • Reorganize, expand or reduce the set of parameters ready for reuse, or
    • Double-click a parameter to open it for editing. Edit parameter attributes and possible values as needed.
  4. Save the changes by clicking 'Ok' in the parameter editor and/or the parameter set editor.

In This Chapter

Parameter Editing - Simple Parameters

Parameter Editing - Complex Parameters

Parameter Dependency

See Also

Shop Parameters

Main Concepts

Choice Parameter - Three Scenarios

Configuration Objects for Shop Parameters

Parameters Creation

Export of Parameters

Useful How To Ideas for the Admin