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Parameter Editing - Complex Parameters

By complex parameters we mean parameters of type 'Selection from Objects'.

Attributes described in 'Parameter Editing - Simple Parameters' are also used in the 'Selection from Objects' parameters. Additionally:

Parameters based on an object type

The editor of parameters based on an object type provides a 'Display of Values' section which can be used to:

  • map business object attributes to parameter attributes
  • customize searching and sorting in the list of parameter values based on the object type

The 'Display of Values' section displays the current mapping. Use button 'Change...' to open an editor for mapping customization. Use button 'Reset' to revert to the default mapping.

Parameters based on parameter value set

The 'Possible Values' field in the editor of parameters based on parameter value set references the used standard parameter value set, editor section 'Possible Values' then displays the actual values.

Note the importance of buttons 'Modify Standard Value Set Globally', 'Modify Standard Value Set locally' and 'Modify Value Set Locally' as explained in topic 'Existing Standard Value Set'.

See Also

Parameter Editing

Parameter Editing - Simple Parameters

Parameter Dependency