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Configuration Objects for Shop Parameters

The following are different available "types of configuration object" - predefined tools ready for reuse with shop parameters.

  • Standard Parameter Value Sets

    Standard parameter value sets are ready-to-use value sets. They are administered in the 'Standard Parameter Values Sets' catalog found e.g. in folder 'Requesting Configuration' of the 'SRM Catalogue Manager' sidebar. New value sets can be created using the 'Create' action in the catalog.

    When a value set which has been used for a parameter is modified (e.g. values are added), the modification is propagated to the parameter unless the value set has been changed locally (filtered or sorted).

  • Business Objects Configured for Parameters

    In addition to value sets, parameters can also be based on existing object types. In this case the parameter draws its values from individual instances of the object type.

    Business objects configured for parameters represent business objects specially preconfigured for use with shop parameters. Technically speaking, they are configurations specifying a filtering condition and display attributes used specifically when the particular object type is used in shop parameters. The definition also includes mapping of attributes of the underlying object type to attributes of the parameter, e.g. which attribute of the object type will be used as parameter name, which attribute as parameter description etc. Multiple configuration objects can be created for one object type. They are administered in the 'Standard Parameter Display of Objects' catalog found in standard 'SRM Catalogue Manager' side bar.

  • Standard Parameter Definition Sets

    Standard parameter definition sets are ready-to-use sets of shop parameters. For example, parameter set 'From - To Mandatory' is a predefined combination of two parameters ('From', 'To') that can be used to specify a mandatory time interval.

    A standard parameter definition set can be added to an offer by clicking button 'Assign Standard Parameter Definition Set' in the 'Parameters' editor section.

    Actions on standard parameter definition sets:

    • Modify Parameters Locally - disconnects used parameters from the standard set by creating a local copy which can be independently modified
    • Modify Globally - modifies the parameter set for all its uses
    • Replace by other Standard Set - removes the set from the offer and offers another standard set for selection
    • Remove Standard Set from the Offer - removes the set from the offer and makes it possible to start from scratch, i.e. to choose between 'Local' or 'Standard' set again.

See Also

Shop Parameters

Main Concepts

Choice Parameter - Three Scenarios

Parameters Creation

Parameter Editing

Export of Parameters

Useful How To Ideas for the Admin