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Parameter Editing - Simple Parameters

By simple parameters we mean parameters not based on a value set or object type.

The following attributes specify the parameter:

  • Parameter

    Technical name of the parameter, must be unique within the parameter set. As it is used as unique key for parameter processing it should not be changed after the parameter has been defined and/or in use.


  • Label

    Parameter name which gets translated into GUI languages.

  • Placeholder

    Grey out text which appears in the Label field until a real value is entered. Intended use: a short hint for the parameter.

  • Hint

    Tooltip for the parameter. Intended use: a longer, mouse-over hint.


  • Type

    Data type of the parameter. Where possible, button 'Change to...' enables change to another compatible data type.

  • Default Value

    Default value automatically assigned to the parameter until a real value is entered.

  • Validation

    A validation workflow can be added to the parameter. Clicking the '+ Validation...' button opens a browser of suitable workflows. If a validation workflow has been added, it is listed in the 'Dependencies' section of the parameter editor. To remove the validation, right-click it in the 'Dependencies' section and use action 'Delete Dependency'.


  • Visible
    • Boolean attribute specifying whether the attribute is visible in the GUI. Especially useful as default visibility setting if dynamic visibility is defined for the attribute. Dynamic visibility uses an expression to influence the visibility of the parameter. To specify the expression, click the '+ Visibility Dependency' button and follow instructions. Once added, the dependency can be administered in the 'Dependencies' editor section.
  • Mandatory

    Attribute specifying whether the parameter is mandatory or optional for completion of the offer.

  • For Technician

    If check box 'For Technician' is selected, the parameter will be hidden in the shop but visible to the technician during fulfillment of the request.

Important: It is possible to change parameter definitions of already existing (and used) parameters without any restrictions or backward compatibility checks. Note that

  • The change will not influence already processed requisitions.
  • It is important to ensure that the process(es) which process the parameter (usually via processing the offers in which the parameter is used) are modified accordingly.

See Also

Parameter Editing

Parameter Editing - Complex Parameters

Parameter Dependency