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Creating and Removing a Condition

Before learning about creating and removing conditions in detail, first a user should acquaint himself with the starting points of the Column Search which have been already described in the 'Starting Points' topic.

To create a new condition:

  1. To create and add the first condition, click the 'Click here...' highlighted link to start defining your query.

    A small 'Condition' dialog box appears.

    Here you can select a required attribute from the list of catalog attributes, an operator (or function) and define a value.

  2. Click 'Search' Help Image or press 'Enter' to confirm your choice.

    Now a new condition node will be created and added to the search area. The active search will be started at the same time in the background so that the result would be returned immediately.

  3. To add another condition node, click the plus icon Help Image located in the upper left-hand corner of the Column Search area.

    Repeat the process to add more conditions (condition nodes) to form a longer, concatenated query. Remember that all the search conditions are connected with the 'AND' logical operator only. The number of added condition boxes is unlimited.

Condition nodes can also be created by simple dragging an attribute value from the catalog to the Column Search definition area. Note that this functionality must be enabled on the Web Client page of the Global Settings.

  1. Select an attribute from the catalog.
  2. Drag it to the Column Search definition area and drop it there.
  3. Then the small condition node will be created automatically there.

    The active search will be started at the same time in the background so that the result would be returned immediately.

  4. Repeat the process to add more conditions (condition nodes) to form a longer, concatenated query. Remember that all the search conditions are connected with the 'AND' logical operator only. The number of added condition boxes is unlimited.

    Note that the 'drag & drop' function can be disabled by the corresponding settings in the Client Settings in favour of highlighting and copying the cell values. You can change the settings according to your preference.

Note: You can always edit the condition by clicking the condition node.

To remove a condition (a condition box):

  1. Click the red cross icon Help Image in the upper right-hand corner of the selected condition node.
  2. The condition box will be removed.

To reset all of the conditions (the condition nodes):

  1. Click the 'Reset' button.
  2. All of the conditions (condition boxes) will be removed from the query and the catalog will be refreshed to display all, unfiltered entries again.

See Also

Column Search in Detail

Attribute Values


Case Sensitivity

Catalog Query Selector

Column Search in Reference Catalogs

Condition Operators

Creating a Condition Directly from a Catalog

Search Conditions