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Case Sensitivity

Case sensitivity means that words can differ in meaning based on differing use of uppercase and lowercase letters. In Valuemation, the default behavior of searches is case insensitive. To switch to the case sensitive searches, you must go to either Global or User Settings. Then the setting is applied globally.

You can toggle among the following case sensitivity states in the catalog:

  • AA - The case insensitive search mode for all fields.
  • aA - The case sensitive search mode for all fields.
  • a/A - You can change the case sensitivity individually for each text search filed in this search mode. If this mode was set after opening the catalog, the catalog query is partially case-sensitive and partially case-insensitive.

Before performing a search, you should realize that words with capital letters do not always have the same meaning when written with lowercase letters. For example, you can eat an apple while using an Apple computer etc. By definition, the case sensitivity is relevant to the text fields only.

A text search operation could be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, depending on the system, application, or context.

  • A case-insensitive search could be more convenient, not requiring the user to provide the precise casing and returning more results.
  • A case-sensitive search enables the user to focus more precisely on a narrower result set.

Note: The case-insensitive option can slow down the search process.

See Also

Column Search in Detail

Attribute Values


Catalog Query Selector

Column Search in Reference Catalogs

Condition Operators

Creating a Condition Directly from a Catalog

Creating and Removing a Condition

Search Conditions