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Starting Points

The Column Search can be called from the following places:

  • The context menu of a catalog in the Sidebar InfoObject.

    Right-click a catalog in the Sidebar InfoObject and click 'Search' in the context menu. A new search window opens. After you specify the search criteria and click the 'Search' button in the window, a catalog restricted to the business objects matching the search criteria opens.

  • The opened catalog

    By default, the catalog window is split into a search area and a table or tree view.

Note: Using the 'Switch' button, you to toggle among Field, Column and Expert Search anytime.

Definition of the Column Search

The actual starting points of the Column Search definition (i.e. the creation of a condition) is either the 'Click here...' link located in the upper left-hand corner of the Column Search area or the 'drag & drop' function.

  • If you click the 'Click here...' highlighted link, a small condition dialog box appears. Here you can create a new condition node by selecting an attribute, operator or function and a value.

    The number of added condition nodes forming a longer query is unlimited.

  • Alternatively, it is also possible to use the 'drag & drop' function for the selected attribute value according to which the catalog data should be filtered. You can simply select an attribute value from the catalog below, drag it to the Column Search definition area and drop it there. Then the small condition node will be created automatically there.

By default, the search condition is applied immediately after it has been defined. The search is being performed in real time in the background without the necessity of clicking the 'Search' button. This behaviour can be customized in Global Settings > Basic Settings using the 'Apply condition when query is changed' check box. This option enables you to control the appearance of the 'Search' button on the GUI, the condition application and the refresh of the catalog data: If the check box is clear, the 'Search' button appears on the GUI and a change in the condition will be applied only after you click the 'Search' button.

The 'drag & drop' function can be disabled by the corresponding settings in the Client Settings in favour of highlighting and copying the cell values. You can change the settings according to your preference.

See Also

Column Search

Key Search Controls

Column Search in Detail