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Attribute Values

Each attribute value specifies the type of data that the field can hold.

Typically, you can meet the following types of attribute values:

  • Text fields

    You can search by a text element which contains a series of letters. The default search string operator for text fields can be set in Global Settings > Basic Settings or the User Settings > Basic Settings.

    See section 'Wildcards in 'like' / 'not like' and 'start with' queries' in the 'Condition Operators' topic for information on using wildcards in text field searches.

  • Attributes with assigned value sets

    The values are selected from a drop-down box.

  • Date/Time fields

    These fields are designed to store a date and time value.

    You can either enter the date explicitly or you can call the calendar function by clicking in icon at the right side of the field and select the date.

  • Boolean fields

    This field type is designed to store a value of 1 or 0 (Yes/No).

  • Number (Decimal number) fields

    Number field type is used for entering both fixed-point and floating-point numbers.

See Also

Column Search in Detail


Case Sensitivity

Catalog Query Selector

Column Search in Reference Catalogs

Condition Operators

Creating a Condition Directly from a Catalog

Creating and Removing a Condition

Search Conditions