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The Tab Properties

Click the tab header to see its properties below:

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  • Border title

    Here you can write a border title for the tab.

    Click 'Translate' to go to the translation editor to make the label translation if desired.

    It is possible to specify translations for view tab names. Each tab name can be provided with two translations (USU standard translation and customer specific translation) in each of the supported languages. See the 'Translations in Valuemation' chapter for more on Valuemation translations.

    To specify translations for a view tab:

    1. Select the 'Translate' button. The 'Translations of Application Text' catalog filtered to display only the translation keys for the currently selected group gets opened. Note that each supported language has its own translation key.
    2. In the catalog, double-click the translation key you want to provide translations for.

    The key gets opened in the 'Translation Editor' where the translations can be edited or created.

  • Layout

    You can set the mutual label and value orientation. It specifies whether field labels are displayed alongside the corresponding field (horizontal) or directly above (vertical). Only the horizontal and vertical layouts are available. The default value is 'Horizontal'.

    The settings take effect immediately in the View Designer.

    Note: Each tab can has independent layout settings.

  • Icon

    Select one of the predefined icons. The icon appears next to the tab label.

  • Columns

    Enables you to specify the number of columns in the View Designer. Note that the row span in the designer changes with the column width. A narrow design with more columns may be limiting for some types of attributes or their specific properties.

    The settings take effect immediately in the View Designer.

    Note: Each tab has an independent column setting.


The most important field in the Properties tab is the Formatter/View field at the top. Each attribute has a certain Formatter or View assigned by default when added to the view in the View Designer. The Formatters/Views available for a particular attribute depend on the attribute's attribute type as selected in the Object Type Customizer.

A Formatter is a control which formats the attribute in a specific way. A View is a small reference view used within the main view of a source object type to display data contained in the linked target object type. As there can be more reference views defined for the object type, you can pick a particular reference view from the list and select a specific format for the particular reference view.

Each of the Formatters/Views has different set of properties. The properties change dynamically as you switch among the individual Formatter/View types.

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The following formatters are available:

For Text attributes:

  • Text

    Normal text field.

  • TextArea

    Larger text field, typically for use as comments or remarks.

  • MaskText

    Masked text field. This is used where the input should conform to a particular pattern (e.g. IP Address).

  • Hyperlink


  • Label

    Text label. Non-editable text field.

  • Multiline Label

    Text label which can contain several lines of text.

  • HTML Viewer Control

    The Rich Text editor. Not available in the Rich Client.

For text values with Value Sets:

  • Choice Box

    Displays a drop down combo box for selection.

  • Radio Buttons

    Displays each option as a radio button.

  • List Control

    Displays a scrollable list of options for selection.

  • Label

    Text label. Non-editable text field.

For Boolean attributes:

  • Checkbox

    Displays a checkbox. The behaviour of the checkbox can be further defined on the 'Properties' tab.

For Date and Date&Time fields:

  • Date Calendar

    Used for data of the Date attribute type. Similar to calendar controls used in other applications. Only date information may be entered using this control. Date format changes according to language settings.

  • Date Time Calendar

    Used for data of the Timestamp attribute type. Combined control allowing entry of both date and time information (Date by selection in a calendar, time by typing). Date format changes according to language settings.

  • Date Infinity

    Date Infinity.

  • Timestamp

    Date and time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000000. The format is fixed - independent on language settings.

  • Timestamp Infinity

    Timestamp Infinity.

  • (Date) Text

    Date as text.

  • (Date) Label

    Date as label.

  • Time

    The editor of time (field).

  • Label

    Text label. Non-editable text field.

For the relation attribute which represents a reference to a single object:

If you select a relation attribute for which a value set exist, the Formatter/View will be automatically set to 'Choice box'.

If no value set is available, the 'Reference View' reference view is used implicitly. If so, you can pick a particular reference view from the adjacent Reference View combo box and select a specific format for the reference view in the Formatter/View field.

There are three possible customizing options for the Reference View display:

  • Extended Reference View
  • One Cell Reference View
  • One Line Reference View

See also the Reference View Display Options topic.

Formatter Properties

Each formatter has specific properties:

In This Chapter

Formatter: Text

Formatter: RichText

Formatter: Reference View

Formatter: Number

Formatter: TextArea

Formatter: MaskText

Formatter: ChoiceBox

Formatter: List Control

Formatter: Label

Formatter: Multiline Label

Formatter: RadioButtons

Formatter: Checkbox

Formatter: Hyperlink

Formatter: Image Formatters

Formatter: Other Formatters

See Also

Attribute Properties with Rules Section

Styles in Detail

Formats in Detail

Popup Window
