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Attribute Properties with Rules Section

The 'Attribute Properties with Rules' section consists of the following tabs:

  • Properties

    Here you can set:

    • General properties for tabs.
    • Properties for all view elements and specifically set properties for a particular formatter of an attribute.
  • Styles, Format

    You can define individual style and format for particular attributes (fields) of the View. The format is applicable to numeric types, dates and timestamps only. It enables you to express the numeric, calendar or date entries in several ways which help to eliminate ambiguity.

    The style is applicable to any attribute of any type. Unlike the format, the style enables you to visually emphasize certain text elements using colors, bold and italics options or the font size.

    On this page, you can set the formatting on the level of Views (i.e. the lowest level with the highest priority) but the definitions can be also made globally in the Global Settings for all fields or lower on the level of Object Type Customizer. In this case, the general (global) setting is always overridden by the more specific setting on the level of a customizer.

    The priority of settings goes as follows (in the ascending order):

    • Global Settings > Object Type Customizer > View/Catalog Customizers
  • Popup Window

    Settings influencing the view if it opens as a popup window.

  • Rules

    Here the existing view and action rules which apply to the view are listed.

    For more details, please see the Rule Customizer chapter.

In This Chapter


Styles in Detail

Formats in Detail

Popup Window


See Also

Group Layout Tab

General Section

Attribute Resource Section

Control Buttons

View Designer