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Enabling HTML controls in the rich text field

HTML controls in the rich text field must be specifically enabled. To enable the HTML controls:

  1. In Valuemation rich client, open the corresponding email body for customization. (In the email body editor, call context menu action 'Customize' / 'Edit View'.)
  2. In the 'Attributes, reference views and choiceboxes on the view' section of the email body editor, locate the rich text field and select it.
  3. Select the 'HTML Forms Allowed' check box in the 'Properties' tab (in the bottom right-hand part of the editor).

    The rich text field in the web client will now contain necessary html controls:

    Help Image
    HTML controls in the rich text field - use them to insert the following elements (left to right):
    Form, Check box, Radio Button, Text Field, Text Area, Selection Field, Button, Picture Button, Hidden Field

Note: Enabling HTML controls applies to all editors in general. In Valuemation standard, the email body editor already has the HTML controls enabled .

See Also

Customer Survey Emails

Brief Functionality Overview

Creation of Survey Email Templates

Enabling a Template for Selection

Survey Form Content

Survey Data Structure

Survey Email Preview

Example Use Case