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Survey Data Structure

The structure of the survey emails communication graphically:

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Summary of the process:

  • When an email is sent from Valuemation, the HTML code contains information about the Valuemation web server it is intended for, the workflow which will process information about the user and the processing context (e.g. the standard 'IPC.runlink.answer' workflow accepts parameter 'ticketMoniker' (information about the object type and its ID) and the ticket's 'personrequestedby') and the actual user input.
  • When the user opens the email in an email client, fills in the fields and clicks 'Submit', the user input is appended to the HTML code as 'xparam' parameters (see point C in 'Survey Form Content'). The code is then sent to the Valuemation web server specified in the form properties and the workflow in the runlink part specified by the 'blink' hidden field property is triggered. The workflow processes the user input. In case of the standard 'IPC.runlink.answer' workflow, a new ticket description registering the user input is created and linked to the ticket. The text is also used by the web client to display an information message for the user.

See Also

Customer Survey Emails

Brief Functionality Overview

Creation of Survey Email Templates

Enabling a Template for Selection

Survey Form Content

Survey Email Preview

Example Use Case

Enabling HTML controls in the rich text field