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Survey Email Preview

Each email body of the survey email can be previewed during its creation.

  1. With the email body opened in the editor, click the 'Preview' button.
  2. A catalog displaying objects of the email template's object type gets opened. Select an object as an example object for the preview and click 'OK'.
  3. The catalog closes and a preview of the survey email is displayed in the 'Preview' section of the email body editor.

Selection of the example object (step 2 above) is offered only when the email body is previewed for the first time since opening the editor. To select a different example object without the need to re-open the editor, click the 'Set object for preview' button.

Note that the person assigned to the example object must have a Valuemation user assigned. If the person-user assignment is missing, an error message is displayed.

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In such case either select a different example object or create the assignment in the User Manager.

See Also

Customer Survey Emails

Brief Functionality Overview

Creation of Survey Email Templates

Enabling a Template for Selection

Survey Form Content

Survey Data Structure

Example Use Case

Enabling HTML controls in the rich text field