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Generate contract items from order items

Both order and contract represent an external request for delivery of new products or services.

An order item and a contract item can be linked to the same product. It is possible to generate contract items from order items if the following conditions are met:

  • The order item must be in status 'Partially Delivered' or 'Completed'
  • Products linked to the order item must not already be also linked to a contract item
  • If the product type of the linked products has the 'create components' attribute set to true, then the order item must have accepted products before contract item can be generated.

The 'Generate Contract' action is available from all places where orders or order items are displayed (catalogs, reference catalogs, editors). It can be used in two ways:

  • Run the action for the whole order and generate a contract containing contract items mirroring all order items belonging to the source order.
  • Run the action only for some order items (selected e.g. in the 'Order Items' reference catalog of the source order) and generate a contract containing contract items mirroring the selected order items.

In both cases, the 'Generate Contract from Order' window opens. It can be used either to create a new contract on the basis of the order or to link an already existing contract.

In This Chapter

Generating a New Contract

Using an Existing Contract

Generating Contract Items for Selected Order Items

See Also

Creation Actions

Create a contract

Create contract items

Create master and demand contract items

Create My Contract - My Special Contract