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Create contract items

A newly created contract needs to be populated with contract items. Contract items are the key elements actually representing the contracted goods.

Contract items can be created by actions:

  • Contract Products

    It is possible to create contract items directly from a catalog of contacts, i.e. without the need to open a contract in an editor. This approach is aimed at users who simply want to contract goods, perhaps without necessarily thinking in terms of 'contract items'.

    • Open a catalog of contracts and call the right-click context menu. Select action 'Contract Products...'
    • The contract item creation wizard opens. If it is started this way, the wizard provides an option to populate an existing contract or initiate also a creation of a new contract.
  • Add Product Type

    From an opened contract editor, contract items can be created using the 'Add Product Type...' button at the bottom of the 'Contract Items' tab. The 'Contract Items' tab is also used to administer all contract items belonging to the contract.

    • Open the contract for editing and select the 'Contract Items' tab at the bottom of the editor.
    • Click the 'Add Product Type' button. The contract item creation wizard opens.

The contract item creation wizard

Step 1: Select the source of new contract items

New contract items can be created on the basis of several sources:

  • Product Types - You are offered a catalog of existing product types on which the new contract items can be based.
  • Vendor Offers - A catalog of offers opens. Selecting an offer initiates creation of contract items based on this offer.
  • Master Contract Item - This option is used to create demand contract items. It makes sense only when the source contract (i.e. the contract for which contract items are to be created) contains master contract items. In such case a list of master contract items belonging to the contract opens.
  • Standard Requirements - The wizard additionally offers the option of Standard Requirements. Standard Requirements were used in previous Valuemation versions to register bundled infrastructure requirements. This functionality is deprecated and should no longer be used.

Select one of the options and click the 'Ok' button to proceed with the wizard.

Next steps - according to the option selected in step1

From Product Type

  • Step 2: A catalog of product types opens. Double-click the one which is to be used for the contract item creation.
  • Step 3: Specify 'Contract Type' (Purchase, Maintenance, Support etc.) and 'Quantity'. If the contract item is created for a contract with 'Contract Header Type' = 'Master Contract', then 'Contract Header Type' information is also displayed in step 3 of the wizard and it is possible to select 'Position Type' for the created contract item.
    Note: Attribute 'Contract Type' in fact specifies type of the contract item.

A new contract item of the specified contract type, product and quantity is created and linked to the source contract. It can be found in the contract's 'Contract Items' reference catalog. If necessary, open the new contract item for editing and fill it in with further detailed information.

From Vendor offers

  • Step 2 presents a catalog of offers pre-filtered to display only offers from the vendor specified for the contract. Double-click the offer to be used for contract item creation.

    Note that you can ignore the pre-selection, clear the filter and select an offer from another vendor. This, however, will also change the vendor of the entire contract.

  • Step 3: Specify 'Contract Type' (Purchase, Maintenance, Support etc.) and 'Quantity'. Same as for the product type option, 'Position Type' of the contract item can be specified if it is created in a master contract.

A new contract item of the specified contract type, product and quantity is created and linked to the source contract.

From Master Contract Item

This option enables creation of demand contract items belonging to one of the master contract items existing within the edited contract.

  • Step 2 presents a catalog of master contract items belonging to the contract. Double-click the contract item which is to serve as master for the newly created demand contract item.
  • Step 3: Specify 'Contract Type' and 'Quantity'. The editor also contains attributes 'Contract Header Type' and 'Position Type' which reflect the fact that we are creating a demand contract item within a contract with 'Contract Header Type' = 'Master Contract'. These attributes cannot be changed here.
  • A new demand contract item of the specified contract type and quantity is created and linked to the source contract. As always, it can be found in the contract's 'Contract Items' reference catalog. If necessary, open the new contract item for editing and specify it in more detail.

See Also

Creation Actions

Create a contract

Create master and demand contract items

Generate contract items from order items

Create My Contract - My Special Contract