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Generating Contract Items for Selected Order Items

The scenarios described in 'Generating a New Contract' and 'Using an Existing Contract' also apply to the situation when contract items are not created from all order items in an order but only from a selection of them.

  1. Select suitable source order items, e.g. in the 'Order Items' reference catalog of an order.
  2. Call the 'Generate Contract' context menu action on the selected order items.

    Help Image
    Calling the 'Generate COntract' action on selected order items

  3. The ‘Generating Contract from Order’ window opens. Use the 'Create a New Contract' check box as described in the previous scenarios.
    • If 'Create a New Contract' was checked, a new contract is created on the basis of the source order and only contract items mirroring the selected order items are created in its 'Contract Items' reference list.
    • If 'Create a New Contract' was not checked and a target contract selected instead, contract items mirroring the selected order items are added to the target contract.
  4. Always click 'Ok' to apply the changes.

See Also

Generate contract items from order items

Generating a New Contract

Using an Existing Contract