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Related to Call Acceptance - Service Request

The Call acceptance editor is filled with the logged user information (normally end user or customer) and a description. The incoming call is treated as Service Request.

This is done by assigning a Ticket class = Service Request and by completing the other classification fields such as Ticket type = mandatory, Parent category and Ticket category = further classification, optional). The ticket is not saved yet and may be quickly created, created and assigned, created and solved etc.

Please see the subsequent use cases.

The Call Acceptance editor with a Service Request Ticket Class.

In This Chapter

Create Service Request quickly

Create and Edit Service Request

Create Service Request to System

Search solution in KB and create Service Request

Create Service Request according to a Model Ticket

Create and assign Service Request

Close existing Service Request ticket

Add feedback to Service Request that end user has not accepted solution

Update (and close) existing Service Request

See Also

Other Use Cases

Related to End User Self-Service

Call Acceptance

Related to Call Acceptance - Incident

Work on Incident

Work on Service Request