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Create Service Request according to a Model Ticket

Use case scenario: A service request occurs. The Call acceptance editor is filled with user information (normally end user or customer) and initial description. A service request according to a predefined template (Model Ticket) has to be created. The service request can be created and closed or it can be opened afterwards in the editor to add a more detailed description.

The following actions are involved in the process:

Create from Model

Creates a Service Request from the Model Ticket.

Edit from Model

Allows you to create a Service Request from the Model Ticket and opens it in the editor.

Create from Model + Inform User

Allows you to create an Incident from a Model Ticket and inform the end user right away.

Create from Model + Close

Allows you to create an Incident from a Model Ticket and close it immediately if you already know the solution without informing the end user.


Create Service Request according to a Model Ticket:

Example: The service request is IMAC (system move, installation etc.)

  1. Provide correct classification: Ticket Class = 'Service Request'
  2. Select an appropriate Model Ticket.
  3. Click Create from Model to create the ticket only


    click Edit from Model to create a ticket and edit it immediately.

Additionally, the Create from Model + Inform User and Create from Model + Close actions are also available.

  • If the Create from Model + Inform User option was used, a dialog also opens for editing/creation of an email (adding specific information to the email text, optionally adding additional recipients).
  • If Create from Model + Close button is used, the Service Request is created and closed with no need to get feedback from the user first.

See Also

Related to Call Acceptance - Service Request

Create Service Request quickly

Create and Edit Service Request

Create Service Request to System

Search solution in KB and create Service Request

Create and assign Service Request

Close existing Service Request ticket

Add feedback to Service Request that end user has not accepted solution

Update (and close) existing Service Request