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Search solution in KB and create Service Request

Use case scenario: A service request occurs. The Call acceptance editor is filled with logged user information (normally end user or customer) and description. The service request has to be created and a service request solution is found in KnowledgeBase.

The service request work is finished by informing the user and when the response of the user is positive, the service request can be closed.

The following actions are involved in the process:


Create + Edit Ticket

Allows you to create a Service Request from the Call Acceptance editor and open it in the edit view right away.

Help Image

Search Solution

Allows you to start the Knowledgebase search for a solution.


Accept Solution

Allows you to accept the solution you pick from the Knowledgebase queue list. This results in creation of a new ticket description of the solution type.


Inform User

Allows you to close the ticket with informing the user first.


User not accepted

Use if the user does not accept the Service Request solution. The status changes to 'User not Accepted' and the ticket has to processed again.


Close SR

Allows you to close the ticket without informing the user.


To search a solution in KB and create a Service Request:

  1. Continue with opened Call acceptance.
  2. Make classification: Ticket Class = Service Request.
  3. Click Create + Edit Ticket
  4. Click the Search Solution button to initiate Knowledgebase search. Here the shorttext of main description is already pre-filled in the query field. Knowledgebase search starts automatically. According to configuration a preview of solution documents is shown as well.
  5. Define the solution in Knowledgebase as "helpfull".
  6. Back in Valuemation, click Accept Solution and select the transfered solution from the queue list.

    This results in a new ticket description of type solution being created. A link to the Knowledgebase solution document is already entered.

  7. The user must be informed by clicking Inform User.
  8. Now the call acceptance process can be ended by clicking the OK button or, if we have the user response immediately, the service request can be closed by clicking Close SR (if user response is positive) or User not accepted (if user response is negative).
  9. According to configuration the Call acceptance editor is cleared or closed automatically.

See Also

Related to Call Acceptance - Service Request

Create Service Request quickly

Create and Edit Service Request

Create Service Request to System

Create Service Request according to a Model Ticket

Create and assign Service Request

Close existing Service Request ticket

Add feedback to Service Request that end user has not accepted solution

Update (and close) existing Service Request