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Log Comments Filter

So called Log Comments in Valuemation reference the customization project under which a particular customization change is performed. The log comments filter is a feature of the Exporter of Metamodel Changes which makes it possible to perform a metamodel export restricted (filtered) to such particular customization changes only.

To define a log comments filter, use the 'Select log comments' item from the root node context menu.

  1. Right-click the root node (the 'All' folder) and click the 'Select Log Comments' menu item.
  2. The 'Used Log Comment' catalog opens. Select the log comment(s) from the catalog which references the customization which you want to export. Click 'Ok'.

    The root node 'All' now displays the selected log comments.

The defined log comments filter can be deleted using the 'Clear log comments filter' command from the context menu invoked on the root node.

See Also

Export Metamodel

Starting the Metamodel Export

Selecting Objects

Export Conditions

Export Mode

Comparing the Databases

Exporting to XML