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Activity Parameters

Parameters of the node enable you to modify the behavior of activities without needing to make changes to the source code.

It usually makes sense to provide a default value for a given node (and hence activity). This will be used, if no data arrives to the input, and disregarded, if input does arrive.

We distinguish among three types of parameters:


Function / Meaning

Activity parameters

The initial, default parameters of the activity. These parameters are static and are set for each node in the MetaWorkflow. They cannot be changed at runtime. Activity parameters are overridden by input parameters, provided that the data arrives to the input. Otherwise, the activity parameters are used.

Input parameters

The input parameters of activities are passed to the node from the preceding node in the workflow.

Output parameters

The output parameters of activities are passed from a node to the subsequent node in the workflow.



The parameter mapping is specified on the transition which connects the two nodes, where you specify which output of one node will connect to which input of its successor.

These parameters can be modified at runtime. However, note that in order to pass a new value to the node that was already triggered (in other words, already received some value before), you must reinitialize it by connecting the reset transition to one of its inputs.

Using the alternative name feature, you can make your own custom input parameters, e.g. to supply non standard parameters in user-defined scripts.

Parameter Precedence

The default behavior of workflows in Valuemation is that if the data arrives to an input that already has some predefined default value contained in the activity parameters, this default value is overridden by the incoming fresh data from the workflow.

Data Types

Unless stated otherwise, the BOType parameter is a string representation of a business object type, the BO ID is the primary key of the object in the database.

See Also

Activities Overview

Node Properties

List of Activities