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Specialized Configuration Actions

The following actions (available primarily from the 'Asset management IMAC actions' dialog) provide simplified versions of general system configuration tailored to a specific task.

Install Component Types to System(s)

  1. Select the action in the 'Asset management IMAC actions' dialog.
  2. Dialog 'Select Changed Systems' opens. Select one or more systems.
  3. The next dialog, 'Select Component Type to be Installed', is a catalog of component types pre-filtered by default to offer component types available in the system specified as 'Default Source Stock' in Asset Manager Settings. The filter can be reset and re-specified as necessary and default source stock can be changed under 'Settings - Asset Manager/Configure System'
  4. The final step displays dialog 'Install Component Types to System(s)'. Use it to review the information specified in previous steps and click 'Ok' to finalize the action.

    An information window summarizing the result gets displayed. If the window contains information about some components not being installed/systems not being updated, then components of the specified component type are not available in the source pool. In this case:

    • try using another source system
    • procure components of the requested component type

Replace Component Types on System(s)

  1. Select the action in the 'Asset management IMAC actions' dialog.
  2. Dialog 'Select Changed Systems' opens. Select one or more systems.
  3. The next dialog, 'Select Component Type to be Uninstalled', is a catalog of component types pre-filtered to display only component types used in the systems selected in step 2. Select a component type.
  4. The subsequent dialog, 'Select Component Type to be Installed', is a catalog of component types available in the system specified as 'Default Source Stock' in Asset Manager Settings. Select a component type.
  5. The final step displays dialog 'Replace Component Types on System(s)'. Use it to review the information specified in previous steps and click 'Ok' to finalize the action.
    • Components of component type specified as 'Component Type to be Uninstalled' will be moved to the system specified as 'Target Pool for Uninstalled Components'.
    • Components of component type specified as 'Component Type to be Installed' will be moved from the system specified as 'Source Pool for Installed Components' to the system(s) selected in step 2.

    An information window summarizing the result gets displayed. If the window contains information about some components not being installed/systems not being updated, then components of the specified component type are not available in the source pool. In this case:

    • try using another source system
    • procure components of the requested component type

Remove Component Types from System(s)

  1. Select the action in the 'Asset management IMAC actions' dialog.
  2. Dialog 'Select Changed Systems' opens. Select one or more systems.
  3. The next dialog, 'Select Component Type to be Uninstalled' is a catalog of component types pre-filtered to display only component types used in the systems selected in step 2. Select a component type.
  4. The final step displays dialog 'Remove Component Types from System(s)'. Use it to review the information specified in previous steps and click 'Ok' to finalize the action.

    Components of component type specified as 'Component Type to be Uninstalled' will be moved to the system specified as 'Target Pool for Uninstalled Components' and an information dialog summarizing the result will be displayed.

Note that configuration actions provided under the 'IMAC services...' action represent a streamlined version of more complex legacy actions.

See Also

Standard IMAC Services

IMAC System Move

The Move Systems Dialog

Expected Changes

IMAC System Configuration

The Configure System Dialog