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System Creation

Two actions can be used to initiate system creation:

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Create Asset System

The action calls a wizard for a single asset system creation.

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Create Asset System(s)

The actions opens a dialog from which the following wizard options can be started: 'Create System', 'Create System for Person', 'Create Multiple Systems', 'Copy...'.

Calling the Actions

The actions can be started in several ways:

  • Using Smart Tiles on the Start Pages of asset-related business views.

    Start Pages of individual business modules have been pre-customized to contain Smart Tiles as links to the most commonly used actions and catalogs. Using the tiles on the Asset Manager and Asset Support start pages is the fastest way to initiate asset system(s) creation.

    Note: If not present, tiles can be easily added by start page customization.

  • Using Smart Tiles from the 'Tiles' InfoObject.

    The 'Tiles' InfoObject provides access to all available Smart Tiles, 'Create Asset System' and 'Create Asset System(s)' included.

  • Calling the actions from other asset-related InfoObjects

    Some special InfoObjects also contain the system creation actions. Namely:

    • Asset Management Tasks
    • Sidebar (the 'Actions' section)

    You may need to add the InfoObject(s) to the Work Perspective. When adding the 'Sidebar' InfoObject, make sure that 'Asset Manager' or 'Asset Support' is the current business view (as sidebar content is business view specific).

  • Calling the actions from System catalogs and other GUI elements according to customization
    • Right-click context menu of System catalogs contains shortcuts to the system creation actions.
    • Button 'Create System(s)...' at the bottom of standard system catalogs opens a dialog from which the system creation wizards can be started.

    By customization, the actions (context menu items, buttons) can also be added to other places within Valuemation GUI.

In This Chapter

Create System

Create System for Person

Create Multiple Systems


See Also

Asset Management In Use

Component Creation

IMAC Service Actions