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Create Multiple Systems

Action 'Create Multiple Systems' can be called from the right-click context menu of System catalogs or as part of composite action 'Create Asset System(s)'. 'Create Asset System(s)' can be started using a Smart Tile present on the Start page of asset-related business views and from other GUI elements where Smart Tiles are available.

  1. Call the 'Create Asset System(s)' action. The 'Select action' dialog opens.
  2. In the dialog, select option 'Create Multiple Systems' and click 'Ok'.
  3. In the next step, specify how many systems should be created.

    In the subsequent steps, which are the same as the steps of standard system creation, a template system is created.

  4. Specify mandatory attributes

    Mandatory attributes (system type, location, cost centers and system usages) are specified in steps via sequentially presented catalogs. After the last step, the template system gets opened in the editor.

  5. Specify additional information

    With the template system opened in the editor, specify all other attributes of the systems to be created and click 'Ok'. A catalog listing the newly created systems opens.

  6. Review the newly created systems

    The catalog presented in this step displays the multiple systems created on the basis of the template system. Use it to overview the new systems and possibly edit some of the mass-created attributes. For instance, as the first of the systems inherits the name specified for the template system while the remaining systems are named 'copy of <template system name>', you may want to give the copies more descriptive names.

  7. Finalize the systems creation

    After the newly created systems have been reviewed, you can close the 'Created Systems' catalog.

    Note: The 'Created Systems' catalog is a catalog of systems filtered to display only the new systems. If you want to see all systems in the same catalog, just remove the catalog filter.

See Also

System Creation

Create System

Create System for Person
