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Create System for Person

Action 'Create System for Person' can be called from the right-click context menu of System catalogs or as part of composite action 'Create Asset System(s)'. 'Create Asset System(s)' can be started using a Smart Tile present on the Start page of asset-related business views and from other GUI elements where Smart Tiles are available.

  1. Call the 'Create Asset System(s)' action. The 'Select action' dialog opens.
  2. In the dialog, select option 'Create System for Person' and click 'Ok'. A catalog for person selection opens.
  3. Select the person for whom the new system is requested. The person corresponding to the current Valuemation user is prefiltered in the catalog. If you are creating a system for yourself/this person, select the person in the catalog and click 'Ok'.

    If you want to create a system for someone else, reset the catalog filter (click the divider line at the top of the catalog and use the 'Reset' button at the bottom of the filter area). Then search for the new person, e.g. using the 'Quick search' field in the catalog.

  4. The remaining steps are the same as the steps of standard system creation:
    • Stage 1: Specify mandatory attributes
    • Stage 2: Specify additional information
    • Stage 3: Finalize system creation

    In stages 1 and 2, attributes already specified for the person object are automatically prefilled. Namely:

    • If the person for whom the system is being created is assigned to a location, mandatory system attribute 'Location' is prefilled with the person's location.
    • If the person is assigned to a cost center, this cost center is also used for the newly created system. Additional cost centers can be added to this assignment.
    • If the person is assigned to an organization unit (department), the organization units is prefilled for the (non-mandatory) 'Organization Unit' attribute of the system.

    Specify (or modify) all mandatory and necessary non-mandatory attributes, then finalize the system creation as described for the 'Create System' action.

See Also

System Creation

Create System

Create Multiple Systems
