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Action 'Copy...' can be called from the right-click context menu of System catalogs or as part of composite action 'Create Asset System(s)'. 'Create Asset System(s)' can be started using a Smart Tile present on the Start page of asset-related business views and from other GUI elements where Smart Tiles are available.

  1. Call the 'Create Asset System(s)' action. The 'Select action' dialog opens.
  2. In the dialog, select option 'Copy...' and click 'Ok'.
  3. In the next step, select an existing system to be copied. The 'Copy System...' dialog opens.
  4. Options presented in the 'Copy Systems...' dialog depend partially on the system to be copied. You may encounter the following options:
    • Copy Components

      Select the check box if components of the system should also be copied.

    • Optional

      If copying of components has been selected, select 'Optional' to include also optional components which are not part of the fixed system configuration.

    • Software

      If copying of components has been selected, select 'Software' to include also software components of the system.

    • Same Cost Centers

      Select 'Same Cost Centers' if system copies should be assigned to the same cost centers as the source system. If unselected, a catalog for cost center(s) selection will be displayed in the next step.

    • Same Users / Same Services / ...

      Select corresponding check boxes (if displayed) if system copies should be assigned to the same users (services etc.) as the source system. If unselected, the new systems will not have the corresponding objects assigned.

    • Copies

      Specify how many system copies should be created.

    • Date

      Specify the 'Valid From' date of the copied systems.

    • Special Prefix for Systems

      Specify a custom prefix for systems resulting from this copy action. If left empty, the copied systems will receive the standard prefix.

    • Special Prefix for Components

      Specify a custom prefix for components resulting from this copy action. If left empty, the copied components will receive the standard prefix.

    With the copy settings specified, click 'Ok' at the bottom of the 'Copy System...' dialog.

    • If some mandatory relations still need to be specified, a catalog for their selection is displayed. This may be the case if the 'Same Cost Centers' check box was unselected, in which case a catalog of cost centers is presented.
    • If no more information is needed, a catalog listing the newly created systems opens.
  5. Review the newly created systems

    The catalog presented in this step displays the multiple systems created as copies of the system selected in step 3. Use it to overview the new systems and possibly edit some of their properties, such as the automatically created 'copy of ...' system names.

  6. Finalize systems creation

    After the newly created systems have been reviewed, you can close the 'Created Systems' catalog.

    Note: The 'Created Systems' catalog is a catalog of systems filtered to display only the new systems. If you want to see all systems in the same catalog, just remove the catalog filter.

See Also

System Creation

Create System

Create System for Person

Create Multiple Systems